Busy as a Bee in My Atelier!

My home goods and personal accessories featured at the Eldorado Arts and Crafts Association May Studio Art Tour, Eldorado at Santa Fe!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Designer in the Making

Recently, I finished crafting a handbag for 8-year-old Abby, the granddaughter of a friend.  She aided in selecting the textiles and collaberated in the design.  I am amazed by her eye on design.  She wholly embraced all we accomplished!

The result?  Confectionery pink, chocolate, and pistachio lined with a chinoiserie linen by Ralph Lauren (well, of course!) in pink and chocolate! The embellishments are pure Sante Fe . . . horse hair tassel, leather, naturally shed mule deer antler medallion, and forged metal.